Loose teeth and doctor's visits
Posted in Family , OldBlog with tags Lost Teeth , Quin , Ethan , Drawing -Today, Quin is 16 days old. Almost like his golden birthday in days! Jenny had to go in to work today, so Quin and I worked from home, and let me tell you, he does better work than some of the interns I’ve had! I fed him once at 7:00, then he didn’t want to eat again until around noon (my mistake as I got lost in e-mails for awhile). After that, he slept again until Jenny got him around 3:00, so like I said, he probably did more good (or less bad) than some of the interns I’ve had.
In the middle of all that, though, Quin had his 2 week checkup. Everything looked great except for a little infection in one eye and potentially a little thrush. He now weighs in at 8 pounds 4.5 ounces, which is up a full 1.5 pounds from his last visit 10 days ago! He’s also up to 21 inches long, up only .5 inches, but still, not too shabby. He continues to be a very good baby for the most part and Jenny and I are adjusting fairly well.
In other news, Ethan lost another tooth this past weekend. Saturday night was pretty traumatic, however. Jenny was helping him brush his teeth when, whammy!, one of his loose teeth got caught in the bristles and started bleeding all over the place. There’s something about your own blood when you are 6, apparently, that causes you to lose all capability for reason. After much sobbing, we finally got him calmed down to talk through his options. Option 1, let me pull the tooth. Option 2, let Ethan pull the tooth. Option 3, just go to bed. Having regained his talent for reason, he wisely chose none of the options… I wasn’t sure what that meant, so I told him that I was going downstairs and that he could do whatever he wanted to (see, I still had my wits about me!). About 5 minutes later he came down and said to us, “if I’m going to lose a tooth, I want to be with you guys.” Damn, he knows how to cut to my core! Anyway, there were a lot of bribes and talk of bravery and whatnot, but in the end he finally just went to sleep to let nature take its course.
The next morning while getting ready for church, Ethan was brushing his own teeth when the tooth just fell out on its own. Instantly he was going around talking about how brave he was and how he should be able to get a new toy, and how “that didn’t hurt at all!” At any rate, hopefully the next couple of teeth won’t be so traumatic. He has three other lose ones as we speak.
Lastly, below you fill find Ethan’s latest masterpiece. It is a recreation of Spider-man’s duel with the New Goblin from Spiderman 3. Of course, he hasn’t seen the movie, but I think he captured it pretty well. Notice the pumpkin bomb exploding near the tree. Enjoy!