COVID Reality - Day 2-9
Posted in Family with tags quinton , mireille , parenting -COVID Reality Day 6 was the Grady’s breaking point. There was widespread dissent in the ranks, and those that are supposed to be even and get us through all this were SUPER crabby. Mireille had a big tantrum the likes that I haven’t seen in quite awhile, Quinton managed to squeek out some tears at some point, Ethan is cooped up and wants to see his friends and his girlfriend, and Jenny and I were basically not on speaking terms with one another most of the day. We were on yelling terms, just not speaking terms. Today seems to be better. The saving grace is that it’s very nice outside - spring weather makes everything seem a little better.
Schedules are starting to normalize a bit. Jenny is doing a nice job with the kids in getting them on something that resembles a schedule, anyway. The kids concentrate on school from 9 to 2 with some breaks built in for lunch and just breaking. Mireille is better at this than Quinton, for the most part, but to be fair, Quinton’s remote learning hasn’t really started officially yet. Hopefully he is able to buckle down next week.
Class in session
Mireille's Schedule
Quinton's Schedule
My work schedule has started to bleed into my normal commute times, which is OK, but also not great. I’ve been trying to make sure I take time during the day to get out
Yesterday (Day 7) improved some. Quinton had to go into school to pickup his band instrument, so at least we got to get out of the house and see a neighborhood that wasn’t ours. It seemed to help some!
Mireille is actually the one who seems to be thriving in this environment. She is doing the things that a lot of people are talking about. She actually wrote a book (Cats and Baby Cats), and now has published it on YouTube for all to see! Check it out below.
I will be publishing it on Amazon at some point for the world to purchase - good bye office life, hello lifestyle of the rich and famous Children’s Book publisher!!!
Today is Friday, which doesn’t really seem to break things up all that much, but I will probably get on my work computer slightly less often and probably work on the basement slightly more often. We have a couple of Zoom Happy Hours scheduled for tonight. That’s actually been a nice thing about this situation, getting together with people that don’t share the same zip code is much easier and more acceptable since everybody is remote. We were able to get together with the extended Grady clan earlier this week, which was nice. Today we’ll see some of our friends from Denver and also some folks from the midwest. Should be fun!