Mireille, the runner and COVID haircuts
Posted in Family with tags mireille -And it continues…
I believe we are about 8 weeks in to this new reality now. Funny how initially I had all these ideas of things I would do “every day” during this situation. I was going to blog every day, that seemed like a funny and interesting idea. I was also going to draw something every day, which was fun for awhile, and I’ve continued it on a far less frequent basis, but I’m definitely not doing anything on a daily basis other than just living.
We did get to do a fun video for Grandpa Grady’s 72nd birthday which was fun. I link it here for posterity.
The kids continue to persevere. We got out of the house as a family for the first time in 7 weeks last Sunday when we hiked Castlewood Canyon State Park. It has actually been since mid March since Quinton has been in a car! The hike was pretty fun. It was busier than I would have expected during Shelter In Place (technically it’s not SIP in that county), and almost nobody was wearing masks, but it was a nice little hike once we finally got into the park.
COVID Selfie
As you can see from the picture, the boys have opted for low maintenance hair styles during this period. It’s working better for Ethan than Quinton, though Quinton is a few more days into his new style. Unfortunately he’s experiencing some ingrown hairs which are super annoying!
Quinton and Zaz
Ethan's Hairdo
Lastly, Mireille has been exercising a lot more. A couple of weekends ago, I was downstairs working on the basement and she came down to see what I was doing. I don’t think I paid enough attention to her, so she got bored and curious. So she got on the treadmill and started it up. After a few minutes, she stopped it and went and got some water and her tablet, then got back on the treadmill and whipped of 2.5 miles!!! She was “running” more or less the whole time. Maybe she’s a runner!!!